
Friday, January 22, 2010

Getting Started - Grocery Shopping

For those of you that are new to couponing here are some basics to help get you started.

Double Coupons: Kroger doubles coupons up to 60 cents (Delta Region)

- E-coupons: load them on your Kroger card and combine them with one paper coupons per item.
Grab them here: ShortcutsCellfire, PGEsaver, Kroger.

- Find it on eBay: If you find a great deal that uses a paper coupon that you don’t have, look for them on eBay! Just try to find the lowest price and lowest shipping. Last year I got 20 .50c/any McCormick spice for $1.50. I used them to buy the grinders when they went on sale.
      My final cost: 20 grinders for $1.50! These are normally $2.50 each!,
- Stockpile it: You may not think you need twenty of anything right now, and you don’t need it right now but you will! Free or close to free items in your pantry means not paying full price when you run out.

- What is a good meat price?: For our family, any meat under $2.00/lb is a buy it price. Anything $1.50/lb or under is a stock up price!! This means, buy more than one package at that price so you have it later.

- Pair with sales: You will save the most money when you pair a coupon with a sale. Like the above McCormick scenario, I waited until they went on sale $10/10 and got them for free. Sometimes you have to buy an item that isn’t on sale and sometimes coupons expire before a sale.  Using a coupon when you need it is better than not using it at all!

- Don’t pay for treats: I’ve heard so many people say, "Coupons are just for 'junk' or processed food that isn't good for you.” True, a lot of coupons are for things that are not that ‘healthy’. However, most people have some sort of ‘junk’ in their cabinets. If you aren't paying for the ‘junk’ because you used sales and coupons to get it for free or almost free, then you can use the money you would have spent on it to buy fresh, healthy food for your family.
- Start freezing: Investing in a freezer is a great idea. Take what money you are saving each month on groceries using coupons and set it aside for your freezer fund. :)
- Get the paper/Dig through the Recycle bin or ask friends for their coupons: You need the Smart Source (SS) and Red Plum (RP) coupon inserts that come with the paper get creative in ways to get those coupons.
- Start slow: Maybe this month you will try and cut $20 off your bill. Move up gradually from there. Even if you only save $1 by using one coupon that is $1 you didnt spend – every little bit helps! Be proud of your diligence; you are providing for your family.

Happy Shopping!


  1. Thanks for this info. It is encouraging me. I really, really, really want to save money, but live in a small town with only a united and walmart to shop at. I try to shop the sale ad at united, but don't get coupons much. Until I stop eating out so much and start cooking more, it won't matter!!

  2. Great tips.
    I haven't used Ebay yet for coupons. Might have to try that.

    P.S. Stop talking about Kroger's great deals, it makes me sad! lolol

  3. lol, I agree - I'm always inspired by your deals and always sad we don't have a kroger - but I think I can probably find some good deals up here too. Thanks for the tips - they were really helpful
