This is an adaptation of a childhood favorite. Since I'm only feeding two adults, the following is for 2 large portions. Double or triple as needed. If serving a crowd use a pound of ground meat, triple the amount listed and mix all ingredients together in one large bowl. Be careful to only add as many chips as are going to be eaten right away - soggy chips are a no go for me!
1 cup taco meat (leftover from taco night works great here!)
1 romaine heart, chopped
1 tomato diced
2 green onions, sliced
1/2 avocado diced
1/2 cup black beans
1/4 cup froze corn, thawed
1 can sliced black olives (optional)
1/4 cup catalina dressing
1 cup fritos or baked tostitos (healthier option) plus extra for topping
shredded cheese (if you like cheese mix in when you add dressing)
sour cream
Chop and rinse lettuce
Rinse beans and corn, drain all excess water
combine meat and vegetables in a large bowl
add in dressing and one cup chips
Mix all ingredients well
Serve with a dollop of sour cream, shredded cheese and a few spoons of salsa...and extra chips of course!
YUM! Enjoy :)