Friday, April 16, 2010

Spinach and Tomato Omelet

Thanks to my mom and aunt I have learned the 'art' of making a great omelet. Want to know the key trick? Only use ONE egg. Seriously. You will be amazed at what a one egg omelet looks like. Below is for one omelet so just use the same amount for each one you need to make. These are some of our favorite ingredients but feel free to add whatever you want...that's the beauty of an omelet. And cooking, really.

one egg
a splash of milk or half/half (a very small splash)
1 cup fresh spinach leaves (measure them whole)
1/4 medium tomato
1 teaspoon minced onion
1 teaspoon minced bell pepper (I used a frozen blend)
1/4 cup mozzerella cheese
salt and pepper

Chop all vegetables. Saute vegetables in a small skillet (this size makes a PERFECT omelet) once cooked through, about 3 minutes, remove from pan and set aside.

Mix egg and splash of milk in a bowl and pour into a well heated skillet (make sure to coat the bottom with non stick spray or butter) Cook on medium heat about 2-3 minutes. When egg is almost set, add cheese, salt, pepper and vegetables. Let cook one minute longer and use a spatula to fold one half of the egg over the other. It will be thick depending on the amount of veggies you use.
Remove from pan. Don't worry if the egg looked a little wet when you folded it over, it will continue to cook from the heat within as it sits on the plate.
Serve with whole grain pancakes for a well balanced breakfast or brinner. Enjoy! :)