Do you remember this post? We talked about cleaning and I shared with ya'll how much I love 7th Generation products. My oldest son loves to 'help' me clean but I am not ok with him being around any traditional cleaners. I don't trust that boy as far as I can throw him and at any moment I could look up and find him 'tasting' the latest orange scented cleaner, you know, because he was curious. Sigh, toddlers. I keep my cleaners way out of reach but he has amazed me more than once wiht his ability to get things I've put away. Thanfully there are products out there that are wonderful cleaners without being poisonous. In my honest opinion, 7th generation cleaners are the best thing since sliced bread! I love, love, love them. They work great, smell good and I don't have to worry about a call to poison control if for some unknown reason they fall into the hands of my little ones. Also, I have asthma and these products do not bother me in the slightest. Some of you may be doubting their ability to really clean or disinfect but wonder no more - they have recently released several products that kill 99.99% of germs naturally!
I say all of that to say this: 7th Generation let me pick a kit to try out and review. Of course, I loved it! We recently moved out of a house and I used their products to clean it - they worked beautifully! I also have used them to clean our new one - simply fabulous! Thanks to 7th Generation I have an AMAZING giveaway for one of you! Would you like to win the wonderful kit that I did? One of you will win the following:
Free & Clear Starter Kit
-Disinfecting Multi-Surface
-Disinfecting Bathroom
-Disinfecting Wipes - 35 ct.
Please note: The Disinfectants have Thymol sent (from Thyme oil). These are NOT considered free & clear, but they are great for immune-depressed households or those with small children, hence why I’ve included them here. The scent dissipates quickly.
-Laundry Detergent – F&C 32 oz
-Liquid Fabric Softener – F&C 40 oz
-Dish liquid
-All- Purpose Cleaner
-Auto-Dish Pacs
-Glass Cleaner
-Natural Paper Towels
-Seventh Gen Recycled Bag
You read it right, that's 11 full size products! Would you like to win? Here's how (make sure to leave a separate comment for each):
1) Go to 7th Generation's website and either join the 7th generation nation or leave me a comment telling me what product you love/would love to try
2) Follow the Big Red Pot or tell me that you do (in a separate comment)
While you are over at the website, grab a $1/1 coupon to take to Target with you this week and score dish soap and cleaners for only $1.49! I recommend this multi purpose cleaner - cleans great and smells a.mazing! I clean my floors with it and it drys super fast and leaves absolutely no sticky residue.
We'll announce the winner of this fabulous giveaway on July 7th!

I would love to win that great giveaway! I have not tried any seven generation products yet, but I have a 1 year old and I can certainly see the benefits. I would love to try the multi-purpose cleaner, cause with a toddler I am constantly needing to wipe up something!
I do follow the Big Red Pot! I enjoy the menu ideas and the Kroger deals!
Hmmm. So many choices. I think I'd most like to try the disinfectant surface cleaner, or the bathroom cleaner - yeah, that'd be good. :)
oh, and even though I do follow your every update - I'm now "official" :)
1) Already a member of of Seventh Gen. I love their dish soap, have one sitting on my sink at home right now!
Well I already use this product BUT I am on my last bottle of multiple purpose cleaner. I love this stuff and your right the smell does go away quickly.
I follow already.
this would be so fun to win! :-) I'm eyeing up the trash bags that are recyclable
~eunice b
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
i subscribe via google reader
~eunice b
rsmile2u @dejazzd .com
I have been wanting to try there product so bad, With a little one you can never be to careful. This would be a great chance so here I am wishing and hoping!
I am a follower!! And your cousins friend. After you got her started she got me started and I am saving so much that I am able to stay at home with my baby. Thanks for all your tips and time!
I would like to try the disinfecting wipes, because I'm pretty much obsessed with those type of wipes.
I'm a follower!
Oh how wonderful. I would love to try the bathroom cleaner. My daughter is always getting into that cabinet and trying to play with the cleaners in there.
I follow the Big Red Pot! You are my first stop to check out Kroger deals. Love it!
The 7th generation diapers!!!
I would like to try the 2X Natural Concentrated Laundry Detergent.
I would love to try the Seventh Generation line. I'd like to try the all purpose cleaner most of all.
I would like to try the multipurpose cleaner and the dishwashing products!
Already a follower....
Courtney S
I would love to try the bathroom cleaner. Bathroom cleaners always smell so strong.
I am a follower of your blog
I subscribe to the seventh generation newsletter.
I'd love to try those wipes. I am a 7th member but new to your website.
I would love to try their Disinfecting Wipes. We use them all the time around our house.
kristen_yeh (at) yahoo (dot) com
I like the multi-surface cleaner, bit would love to try the bathroom cleaner.
I would like to try the Disinfecting Multi-Surface Cleaner
follow google friend
This is my first time visiting The Big Red Pot. I saw your blog on another bloggers comments. Great giveaway. I would love to win!
I would also like to try the multi purpose cleaner. I have 9 children and ALWAYS have a mess to clean up somewhere.
I check your site often, but now I'm a "follower". Yay!!!
Already joined 7th Generation and I would love to check out the All- Purpose Cleaner!
google follower now!
I'd love to try any of the products especially the surface disinfectant cleaner.I worry about all of the strong chemicals that likely are harmful for us and now that I'm pregnant I worry about all that stuff!Thanks for the chance to win!
I have not yet tried any 7th generation products...but would love to!!!!!
I would love to try these products because it would be a great way to help us out in going green! I just moved into my first house with a few girlfriends, and we do A LOT of laundry, so some of their fabric softner and laundry detergent would be what I would try first. Thanks so much!
I would love to try these products because it would be a great way to help us out in going green! I just moved into my first house with a few girlfriends, and we do A LOT of laundry, so some of their fabric softner and laundry detergent would be what I would try first. Thanks so much!
I would LOVE to try their new Disinfecting Multi-Surface cleaner... I didn't know they had that kind now. I've been using their products ever since I had our son and I really don't want to clean with anything else now. Thanks for this fantastic giveaway!
And I follow your blog-I always check to see what you ended up getting a good deal on at Kroger :)
I used to clean houses for a work before they had "green" products. Love 7th generation especially with having little ones around. I enjoy the Multi-Purpose cleaner the most since I never know what spot I will need to clean up next. I subscribed via email for your posts. Thanks for all the great information and Welcome Back!!!
I would like to try the Dishwasher Rinse Aid.
I'd like to try the disinfecting bathroom cleaner.
I love the disinfectant wipes--they smell great!
ropp dot 5 at wright dot edu
I'd love to try the Auto Dish Pacs!
I would like to try the diapers!
Seventh Generation Products are so great! I would love to try the disinfecting wipes!
I going the 7th generation nation and I' d like to try their laundry detergent
I would love to try the detergent. Thanks!
I want to try the multi-purpose cleaner.
babybunny1983 AT comcast DOT net
I would love to try the glass cleaner!
chaveli3 @ yahoo . com (remove spaces)
I follow your blog!
to pick one product is difficult but I would say the disinfectant wipes would be a plus!
just signed up today to follow you through email. thanks.
Thanks for the giveaway. I would pick the 7th Gen. Dish Soap. brian amy 10 at (no spaces)
I would love, love, love to win this giveaway. I have 3 small children and am always looking for healthier ways to care for our home.
I love the all purpose cleaner. I fell in love with it the first time I used it.
I would like to try the disinfecting wipes.
delicate care laundry detergent would be great to try.
binky1boo at gmail dot com
I would love to try their laundry detergent.
Hannah C
psychopathicpixie @ yahoo
I am a follower on GFC.
Hannah C
psychopathicpixie @ yahoo
I love their dishsoap and have been dying to try their laundry detergent. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I would like to try the toilet bowl cleaner. I've never found a "natural" brand that works really well.
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