On another note, I've also received some very valid emails from those of you that are frustrated that things have not worked the way I told you they would when you went shopping. I have been there, I know exactly what it is like to have your coupons ready, purchase your items and then find out things were not as cheap or free as you were told they were going to be - that is SO frustrating! Please know that it is never my intention to share a deal that I know to be false. Regarding the 50% off sale and catalina issues ya'll have had, evidently it is a Kroger wide issue! I read on several sites this morning that many people had issues with their catalina printing, prices not ringing up 50%, etc. I had no idea that would happen and am sorry if your time and energy was wasted on a sale that did not come through. I want this site to be a blessing to you, to save your family money so that you can use the money you save in other areas.
On a positive note there is a new Mega Sale coming up this Wednesday - here's hoping I can get everything accurate and we can save a lot of money in the process!

that is sweet!! Dont be too hard on yourself...YOU ARE DOING GREAT!!!
Thanks again Bethany! The Catalina company did call and say that our Kroger was not participating in the Keebler deals. That being said the sale price was still a good price and my kiddos are thrilled to have Keebler cookies in the house.
You are doing a great job and I appreciate you more than you know. I tell everyone about your blog.
Hope you have a great week!!!
I've only been trying the coupon thing for two weeks now and was told about your blog last week from a friend. I'm 23, full time college student, 36 weeks pregnant with a 17 month old and TRUST ME, your blog is amazing! My husband and I make a point to trust God and not worry too much over money, and I am so grateful I was directed to your site. I've already saved $15 with just one kroger trip and that's not including buying diapers yet! :)
LOL, to edit my comment, I'm 36 weeks pregnant and also have a 17 month old. though...I do feel like I'm pregnant with a 17 month old if that's any consolation. :)
We love you Bethany!!!
i come here every day. i can only imagine how you have the time to do what you do. but i love it. and i love you.
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