Friday, September 24, 2010

Friday Favorites - Come Link Up

One of my absolute favorite things in the whole world is make up! When I was in college I worked at Merle Norman and had the best time playing with make up all day. What can I say - we southern girls love to paint our face! I have a special treat for you, my dear friend Katie Moyer, who has tons of make up experience and expertise is going to let all of us in on some great ways to transform our make up from summer to fall. Take it away Katie!

The most recognizable characteristic of fall is most likely the changing leaves… the beautiful burnt orange, the vibrant yellow and reds and the smoky browns. For me, it’s the perfect excuse to put away the bronzer and update my make-up!
If you go to your local department store, or flip through any style magazine, you will see this year’s color trend for fall is plum. Not that I am an advocate of matching your make-up to your clothes (which I am emphatically NOT) but I do love a pop of plum.

If you want a quick way to stay current, you can get a great mauve lip gloss to swipe over your pout. But if you feel a little more daring, find a great shade of plum for your lids. Plum works best with blue and green eyes, actually enhancing the eye color instead of bringing attention to your shadow. Be sure and pick a shade that corresponds with your skin tone. Plum is pretty neutral overall though and has a warmer feel than purple (which is trickier to match). If you normally use a brown and feel a little intimidated giving up your safety blanket, try blending the plum into your brown. Do it a little at a time until you find the right intensity for you.

Now, if all this has turned your stomach into knots, do what I do… line your lower lashes with the plum shadow. You can use a liner brush and even wet the tip if you want the color more saturated. Get the line as close to your bottom lashes from the underneath. For a smokier look that translates great into evening, take a smudge brush to your line and add in a black kohl or dark brown to your inner eye rim. It is by far the perfect accessory to the season!

Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
  • "Embark" from MAC... it's a great matte color for the crease and to line your eyes with. High pigment and warm undertones that work really well with olive skin and green eyes.
  • Bobbi Brown's "Black Plum"- Perfect for an all over sweep of the lid. Neutral enough for any skin tone. Perfect to make blue eyes POP!
  • Loreal is probably my favorite over-the-counter brand for makeup. I can't give you specifics, but I love it. It's comparable to any department store brand for much cheaper. Their newest line called Hip Studio Secrets offers a loose powder shadow with intense pigment. "Unashamed" offers buildable color at half the price of other loose pigments in department stores. I almost never use a shimmer but this one has just the right amount of color/shimmer balance.
  • Laura Mercier's Lip Glace in "Plum Noir"- What can I say, it's the perfect autumn shade! And what's more important than the perfect color? The perfect texture. So while you are picking out corduroy pea coats and suede wedge boots for fall, don't forget your gloss!

 Come back next week when Katie shares with us how to update our wardrobe for fall!

Katie is a Public Relations Consultant in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. When she is not modeling the latest makeup and fashion trends, she is loving on her wonderful husband Russ and their precious 18 month old, Kaden.
Have your own favorite thing from the week? Link up here and share it with us!