My cousin Ashley made the most beautiful cake for her daughter's 1st birthday. As you can see in the picture, it was just so neat once you sliced into it! I made a 2 layer cake for my 3 year old's birthday but I definitely think 3 layers is the way to go. If you have ever wondered how to make this, wonder no more- Ashley demystifies this colorful confection and shows us just how easy it really is:
- White Cake batter (can be store mix or homemade)
- Food coloring (we both used gel but you can use regular)
- Mix your batter as directed.
- Divide into bowls equal to the number of colors you want to use. I used the Pampered Chef batter bowl and measured how many cups I had (a box mix will give you 8 cups of batter) and divided my batter into 4 bowls.
- Mix the food coloring into each bowl as desired. Remember- whatever color you have in your bowl is the color it is going to bake.
- Once your colored batter is ready, start with the very first color and pour it into the center of your greased baking pan (if using 2 pans only add half of each color to each pan).
- Once the batter is poured in the center, grab the next color and pour directly into the center of the previously poured batter, repeating until finished. No need to shake the pan or try and move the batter around, it will take care of itself in the baking process.
- Bake as directed
- Allow to cool
- Stack the layers and ice as planned.
Here is my cake - not as pretty as the girl cake, buy hey, it works :)