Monday, November 29, 2010

Menu Inspiration Monday: Broccoli Cheese Soup

Welcome to Menu Inspiration Monday! It's Monday, you're already ready for Friday and the last thing you want to think about is What's For Dinner? - Save your energy and let these fabulous recipe ideas inspire you!
My husband and oldest son LOVE Broccoli Cheese Soup and I've tried several times to make it with no luck at all. I mean, my batches have been so bad that I've just thrown them out and that's a pretty big deal for me! Yesterday, instead of following a recipe, I just decided to throw my own together and the result was SO good! Finally, we can have this soup at home! I used chicken broth (because it's what I had) but you can use Vegetable Broth to make this a meatless meal. Using lower fat products will make this a really healthy soup and dinner option! Serve with shredded cheddar cheese even though the actual soup calls for velveeta.

1 Bag Freshlike Frozen Broccoli
1/3 cup minced carrots (about a handful of baby carrots thrown in the chopper)
1 tablespoon minced onion
2 tablespoons flour
1 14 oz can chicken or vegetable broth
1 can (fat free) evaporated milk *like carnation
4 oz velveeta
1/2 cup fat free half/half or milk

In a large soup pot or dutch oven over medium high heat, toss in broccoli, carrots and onion (you can sling in some butter if you want). Saute for 7-10 minutes or until carrots have softened. Add flour and stir to combine. Pour in broth and evaporated cooking milk. Simmer for at least 30 minutes. Add in cheese, stir until dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in remaining 1/2 cup of milk or half/half. Serve with extra shredded cheese, bread or sandwiches - Enjoy!
Note: If you would like a smoother soup, use a slotted spoon to remove about 2/3 of the broccoli pieces, place them in a blender or food processor and then add back to the soup once minced.

Come Share Your Menu Inspiring Recipes with the rest of us! No button needed and any recipe goes!