Friday, December 17, 2010

Chocolate Peanut Candies - Day 10

If there was one person in this life that impacted me more than anyone it was my wonderful Grandmother, my Mamasuey.
She died a few years ago from Cancer and I miss her every single day. Today, my mother brought over these candies and said my Mamasuey would make them every year as long as she could remember. I'm so happy to share this with y' if only I could master her divinity!

Chocolate Peanut Candies
2 cups sugar
1/4 cup butter
18 large marshmallows
1 cup evaporated milk
3 oz semi sweet chocolate (or morsels)
3 oz milk chocolate (or morsels)
8 oz peanuts (or your choice!)

Combine first four ingredients in a heavy sauce pan over medium heat stirring constantly about 10 minutes (if you have a candy thermometer, when it reads 234). Remove from heat and add in morsels, mix in until morsels melt (wisk or mixer). Stir in the nuts. Drop by spoonfuls onto buttered parchment paper. Allow to sit in the fridge over night, remove from paper and enjoy!

*Store on parchment/wax paper in an airtight container in a cool, dry place.