It's All About Balance
So far you've gotten really good at menu planning. You make your menu, you buy your ingredients and you get excited about Thursday night because it's your favorite dish. But then - you get sick. And now, what do you do?
I love organization and think that in order to have a home that runs smooth, is full of peace and free from constant chaos you need to have a plan. Maybe not a minute by minute plan, but definitely a plan. Menu planning takes the "What Now?" panic out of your day and guides you toward an organized method of preparing food. The one thing you need to remember when planning? Life happens. People get sick, emergencies are experienced and you forget obligations that you have. If you have Roast scheduled for monday but only have the time to make spaghetti - switch it out! There are times when I have something planned for a certain day but end up making something different. As long as I have it in my pantry it's no big deal. Simply bump that meal to a different night.
If you haven't read through the first parts of this series, I encourage you to do so here. Your week will be less stressful if you have a plan in place and your family's tummys will thank you.