1) There are always items participating in the Mega Sale that are unadvertised. There are always items included in this sale that are not included in the list you can find at the front of your store on a 4x6 index card or in your weekly ad. Just go walk the medicine or health/beauty aisle and you'll see tons of tagged unadvertised items. I'm thinking because it would just be too much to actually print out and list that we find such discrepencies. I've found that, at Kroger, some of their best deals are ones that are not advertised!
2) While the items are participating in every region, our prices will likely be different and likely be higher. I have never understood this but during every Mega Sale, this proves to be true.
3) If something is on my list but not tagged in your store, you can take it to customer service and have them price check it for you. If you'll watch the screen that shows you the price, it will have a + mark next to it, showing you that it is particpating. The same thing goes for your reciept. I remember last year I bought mandarin oranges because we were out and when looking on my reciept to make sure I bought increments of ten I noticed it had a plus by the mandarin orange price but was not marked in my store! It was a pleasant surprise but frustrating because I had bought "one" item over my ten count so my savings were not as great as they could have been. It may take more time on your part but I promise the long term savings are worth the effort.
4) Please know that I would never, ever, ever mislead you intentionally. Any information I give is researched to the best of my ability and only in an effort to save your family the most money. I do not get paid by Kroger to do a coupon match up - I just want to be a blessing to others in any way possible. Please let me know at any time if something on my list is wrong or mispriced after a price check and I will change it immediately.
Let me know if you are experiencing any issues or have any more questions. I promise I am so very grateful that you even read this blog and hope we can continue to help each other be the best stewards of our resources that we can be!

Personally for all the hard work and effort that you put into making this list and making it easier for the rest of us to save money.....big or small, I find it hard to believe that you would EVER receive any complaints. I can't imgaine the time you must put in to make this possible. Thanks for all you do!!!
thank you so much for your kind words. I really do appreciate them and I'm so thankful to know that the list has been a blessing to you!
Hi Bethany! I am so thankful for your lists! I subscribed to "The Grocery Game" for a while and I find your lists to be WAY more accurate than hers were. There's just no way to be 100% accurate for every store, but I find your lists are at least 99% every time. Thank you again!!!
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