On Monday I bought two packs of avocados because they were such a good deal and I knew we'd make good use of them this week. The problem? All of their packs were bright green! How in the world was I supposed to eat a green avocado? Well, I heard a trick long ago that I had never tried until now. I took one pack and put them in the fridge and the other pack I opened and put in a dark corner in my laundry room. The next day I went in to find 4 perfectly ripened avocados! Just to see if it was the trick or if the day just made that much difference I grabbed one out of the fridge to compare.
The one on the left is the fridge 'cado and is still as green and unripe as the day I bought it. The one on the right? Perfection :)
How can you tell if an avocado is ripe? The color should be a blue/black color and should just slightly yield when you press on it.
Thanks for the info! I loooooove avocados! I'll have to do this next time because a lot of times I go to buy them and they are all bright green so I always just pass 'em up.
Oh girl I could of told you it was a guarantee. We love us some avocados.
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