Saturday, December 19, 2009

12 Days of Baking - Day Seven!

Today I wanted to show ya'll something really easy to make in case you aren't a "baker" and need to make something to either take somewhere or have as a treat around your house. These are really yummy and won't taste like you used pre-made cookies. If you want, you could use any type of refrigerated cookie dough you like. You can either bake these on a cookie sheet or in a mini muffin pan.

Peanut Butter Kiss Cookies

12 count refrigerated peanut butter cookies
48 hershey kisses
granulated sugar

Cut each cookie into four sections. Roll each section into a ball and roll in the granulated sugar.Place each cookie dough ball onto a baking pan about 2 inches apart. Press a hershey kiss into the center of the cookie dough ball until the sides raise up around the kiss. Bake for 8-10 minutes. Cool and enjoy.