Monday, February 22, 2010


Ahh. Spaghetti. Such a tried and true comfort favorite. I wish I had some amazing, barefoot contessa inspired recipe to share with you but the fact is, there isn't anything labor intensive about my spaghetti. Don't get me wrong, I think my spaghetti is delicious but I cheat on this one :) While I don't have a homemade recipe, per se, to share with you - I do have a challenge. Make your pasta dishes count. Pasta dishes are a great area to add more vegetables into your diet. Pasta has gotten a lot of negative attention in the past few years but what could be healthier than whole grain pasta, lean protein and a sauce packed with vegetables?

The flavors in spaghetti sauce are so strong that you could easily add a variety of vegetables that your tastebuds will barely notice but your body will surely thank you for. Here are some that I suggest: zucchini, yellow squash, onion, carrots, bell pepper (any color), spinach and eggplant. Just dice the vegetable really small or put into a blender with your sauce and add right in when you are browning your meat. Don't forget that fresh herbs also have vitamins and minerals and would be a great addition to your sauce.

In case you wanted to know how I am making my spaghetti tonight, here goes:

1 lb lean ground beef or turkey
1 jar Ragu Sauteed Onion and Garlic
1 clove garlic
1/2 onion, diced small
1/2 cup frozen spinach
1 tablespoon fresh parsley
1 box whole grain spaghetti

Brown your meat with the 1/2 cup of onion (and any other vegetables you feel like dicing in). Once browned add garlic and spinach and saute 2-3 minutes longer. Add sauce and fresh parsley. Simmer while noodles are boiling. Pour sauce over noodles. Serve with salad and garlic bread. Finish this meal with a cup of diced fruit and you could easily have all of your fruit and vegetable requirements in one hearty, healthy meal. Enjoy :)