this post where we talked about cleaning? I shared how I love to mop
on the regular with my swiffer (just not the swiffer spray/cleaner fluid). Well, tonight I wanted to mop before we went out of town and thought we had one more cloth to use. Ugh, no.
I thought wrong. What's a girl to do? Make a ghetto fabulous replacement with a kitchen towel and newspaper rubberbands...Exhibit A:
It's horrible! I'm laughing as I type this. Oh man.
Moving on, remember
this post? Well look what I found today at the store! Woot.
Hope ya'll are doing well :)
Yay! I remember there was talk about ketchup without HFCS and I've been wondering when I'd finally see/get it... I'll have to be on the lookout next time I'm shopping. Thanks for the heads up!
I've done that with my swiffer too! You know, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And I'm freakin' out about the ketchup. I love ketchup but Neil recently pointed out how much high fructose corn syrup it has in it. I can't wait to go back to Kroger's!
I was so glad too...bc ketchup could be a food group at our house ;)
oh and Lauren, that rag actually worked really well!
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