I have taken a weekend before and done some actual freezer cooking and it was such a blessing in the next month. There are going to be times you forget to set something out, get sick or life just happens in general to prevent you from getting dinner prepared like you had intended. Instead of turning to take out or a pre-packaged freezer meal, why not have a back up supply of your own? Here are some ideas to get you started:
Start Small - Buy an economy size package of ground beef (this will also be cheaper!) and brown all of it and put it in separate freezer bags. That may not sound like much but think of how much time you spend remembering to set out meat, then thawing out meat and eventually cooking it. If you already have it browned you can just dump it into a pan with whatever sauce or seasoning you need and go from there!
Freeze pancakes or other breakfast items - these freeze SO well that they will help build your confidence and you will be likely to take on bigger projects in the future
Freeze your leftovers - Instead of letting that half pan of Lasagna go to waste, put it in a freezer bag and enjoy it for another meal down the road
Look up Freezer Cooking Blogs - There are some women out there that are SERIOUS about freezer cooking. If this interests you then you should definitely google it to find some to inspire you! I have linked up to Money Saving Mom before and got my inspiration to start from her :)
Here is my last freezer day here and here and I am planning on doing another one in the next week or so.
Any ideas or tips you have found to be helpful with freezer cooking?