Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Traditional Sunday Roast

As I told you over here, I really like using this recipe when I make a roast. I'm not big on roast, quite honestly, but I love this recipe. A few Saturday's ago we went to my grandfather's house for the day and he made us a traditional roast for lunch and I must say it was so good! Here is my version of his version that I made this past Sunday. If you have a great crock pot, you can definitely use that - I'm convinced my crockpot is out to get me :)

3-4 lb boneless roast (my grandfather says a chuck roast is best, I buy whatever is on sale)
1 tsp olive oil
1 package onion soup mix
1 8 oz can tomato sauce
2 cups beef broth
garlic powder and pepper to taste
3-4 russett potatoes, sliced lengthwise
15-20 baby carrots

Cover roast in garlic powder and pepper - be liberal in your seasonig. In a large pan over medium-high heat, heat olive oil and sear all sides of the roast for about 3-4 minutes on each side. This searing process is very important - don't skip it! In a large bowl combine onion soup mix, tomato sauce and broth, mix well. Pour potatoes, carrots and sauce over roast and bake covered for 3 hours on 300 degrees. The gravy that this makes is wonderful! Serve with cornbread and green beans. Enjoy!