Thursday, February 24, 2011

Food for the Soul

I just got back from a really great girls night out with the girls in my Sunday School class. Y'all - we ate, visited and then laughed and laughed and laughed! We had the absolute best time and I think it is so important for each of us, as mother's and women to have that time to ourselves. We spend so much time caring for others - which is a good and wonderful thing to do! I just think we have a hard time allowing ourselves to do anything that is strictly for us. I can say this because I was that woman. I felt so guilty the first time I went and did something just for me, I think it's just in our nature as caretakers. But you know what? I was an even better Mom and Wife the next day when I was able to spend time just being Bethany for a little while. It doesn't have to be a night out with friends (although I do recommend it!) it can be anything that is food for your soul: quiet time each day, an afternoon run, a book in the quiet. Whatever it is that refreshes you make sure you do it. I promise you'll be a much better mom, wife, sister and friend if you do :)

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