Saturday, May 1, 2010

Freezer Cooking

Over at Money Saving Mom she is having a freezer cooking link up. I thought I'd join in since it falls on a weekend and it is POURING down rain outside. I'm going to do some cooking for the week as well as the freezer. Here are my goals by the end of the weekend:

Quiche x 2 (recipe to follow)
Roast Chicken, dice and put in the freezer
Roast Turkey, slice for lunch meat, make stock from bones
breakfast pockets
sloppy joes x 2
cheeseburger hoagie filling (recipe to follow)
spaghetti meat sauce
meatloaf x 2
mississippi pound cake
I really enjoy cooking each day...hence this blog. While it isn't my goal to have all of my complete meals taken care of, it would be nice to have some of the prep work done for me. Want to join in? Here are some positives of freezer cooking, in whatever way works best for your family:

1) If you have most of the work done for you then you are less likely to eat out
2) More time to spend with your family or loved ones
3) Less messy kitchen every.single.night.

These are just a few of the many positives - do you freezer cook?

1 comment:

Laura said...

Good luck with all that!

I'm terrible with frozen meals. I secretly hate defrosting things. I'm good with stockpiling frozen things, but as far as preparing meals to freeze...I usually only do that with Chili. But, obviously, there are benefits to improving this. :)