Monday: Eat from the Freezer
Tuesday: Grill something
Wednesday: Casserole
Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner
Friday: Soup/Stew
Saturday: Pasta
Sunday: Sandwiches
This method gives you have a plan to start from. First, scan your cabinets, fridge and freezer and see what you already have on hand and start planning from those items first. You'll probably be able to fill at least 3-4 of the days from what you already have. Next, while out shopping you can scan the best deals at the store to complete your menu. "Oh, Chicken is on sale for $0.99/lb - we can gril chicken on Tuesday." At first glance this "theme menu" may look boring, but look at what it can trasform into:
Monday: Sloppy Joes with Oven Roasted Mixed Veggies
Tuesday: BBQ Chicken, Rosemary Sweet Potatoes and Corn and Zucchini Toss
Wednesday: La Bamba Casserole
Thursday: Whole Grain Pancakes, Omelets and Fruit Salad
Friday: Corn Chowder
Saturday: Baked Tortellini and Salad
Sunday: BLT's and a Veggie Tray
Now that menu is anything but boring! I encourage you to try this out and see how much better your week goes when you have some sort of plan in place. What are your thoughts and suggestions?